10 Principles for Effective Communication at Work

This week in the world’s #1 newsletter on leadership communication:

  • 10 Principles for Effective Communication at Work
  • Join the Speak Like a CEO Academy
  • The Laws of Connection
  • Buy Back Your Time

10 Principles for Effective Communication at Work

Your team just wrapped up another long meeting, but everyone leaves with different ideas of what to do next.

Sound familiar?

It doesn’t have to be this way.

Having worked with hundreds of teams globally, both in-person and hybrid, over the past 20 years I have learned the secrets behind high-performing teams.

High-performing teams know that effective communication isn’t about more meetings or endless messages—it’s about clarity, consistency, and connection.

Here are ten strategies to help your team cut through the noise and achieve more together.

1 – Quality over Quantity

Surprisingly, high-performance teams communicate less. When everyone is aligned, there is no need for never-ending meetings and Slack convos.

2 – Clarity is Key

Don’t just speak; make sure your message is understood. Focus on a few key messages that tell people how to behave, not what to do.

3 – Consistency Creates Alignment

Align your communication across all channels to avoid confusion. Then repeat, repeat, repeat so everyone knows what’s important.

4 – Listen More Than You Speak

Active listening builds trust and shows that you value other perspectives. Remember: communication is a two-way street.

5 – Have the Small Conversations

"If you don’t have the small conversations, you will have to have the big ones." – Blake Eastman

Don’t shy away from difficult conversations. That never ends well.

6 – Use Stories, Not Just Facts

Facts inform, but stories inspire. Use storytelling to connect and make your message memorable and engaging.

7 – Be Transparent

Honesty builds trust. Be open about successes and challenges, as companies move at the speed of trust.

8 – Encourage Feedback

Create an environment where feedback is welcomed, not feared. This sets the tone. It is also the embodiment of a growth mindset.

9 – Mind Your Body Language

Non-verbal cues can speak louder than words. Align your body language, tone, and facial expressions to your message.

10 – Build a System of Push/Pull/Exchange

Mediocre leaders push out information. High-performance teams use a Push/Pull/Exchange communication system.

Adopt these strategies, and watch your team's results and well-being skyrocket! The key to success isn't saying more; it's saying it better.


Join the Speak Like a CEO Academy

We are heading into an exciting 3 months with the Academy with many highly relevant topics planned.

Every month you will get:

  • 2 Live Coaching Sessions with me
  • 1 new course on a communications related topic
  • Access to the Community
  • 24/7 access to our Second Brain resources hub

Schedule for the next 3 months:


The Laws of Connection

I do a podcast to help you become a top 1% communicator. Please subscribe on Apple or Spotify.

This week I am joined by one of my favorite authors and thinkers, a man whose books I have read and reread many times over the years.

David Robson is the author of the global bestsellers The Intelligence Trap, The Expectation Effect, and most recently The Laws of Connection.

Drawing on hundreds of recent studies, David reveals the laws of connection that can transform your life. He shares actionable strategies to build stronger bonds at home and at work, have better conversations, and improve communication skills.

He also shares the psychology behind the Liking Gap – why we underestimate how much others like us and how it impacts our personal and professional lives – and how we can overcome it.

Tune in and improve the relationships in your life and build new ones.

Listen on Spotify and Apple:


Buy Back Your Time

Dan Martell turned his life around after struggling as a youth, dealing with crippling ADHD and entering rehab at 17. Today, he is a massively successful tech entrepreneur.

His book “Buy Back Your Time: Get Unstuck, Reclaim Your Freedom, and Build Your Empire” is a blueprint for anyone who feels overwhelmed and under time pressure - I took a lot away from it!

What does time management have to do with communications? Well, a big part of reclaiming your freedom is to find great people to work with and empower them, whether that person is a cleaner, an assistant, or even a CEO running your business. And that requires clear communication and processes, something the book covers in depth.

Pro tip: DM Dan on Instagram to get his 40-page playbook on how to delegate to an assistant – so that you can take weekends off.

On that note...

Have an inspired weekend!



PS: Share this newsletter with your friends & colleagues here.

Eo Ipso Communications GmbH

Friedrichstraße 68, 10117 Berlin

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